When we looking for freight forwarding services from China to Indonesia or vice versa, the company must of course get a quality forwarder. Because, China – Indonesia forwarders often have problems that must be considered every time they carry out their duties.

China is known as one of the economic centers in Asia, so their port is listed as the largest and busiest port in the world. Several major ports in China, such as the Port of Shanghai, Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan, Port of Tianjin, Port of Guangzhou, Port of Qingdao, to Ginhuangdao Port are among the 10 largest container ports in the world.

This makes shipments from China to Indonesia and vice versa must be done well and need professional handling. Some of the freight forwarder companies that handle this usually have years of experience. Experience is often the key point in the success of a China-Indonesia forwarder in handling exports and imports from Indonesia to China or vice versa.

Not Only Sending or Receiving Goods

Of course, China Indonesia forwarders do not only offer to send process and receive goods. For example, when Indonesians want to import goods from China, the forwarder will usually provide several services, ranging from purchasing the desired goods at a trusted supplier, making payments to suppliers, shipping to warehouses in China, checking receipts, shipping to Indonesia, processing customs taxes and documents, payment for import services, to receipt of the goods in Indonesia. Clients only need to pay all fees all-in, while all processes are handled by the forwarder.

In addition, the China Indonesia forwarder will also help if a company or person in Indonesia wants to import goods from China. The selection of the desired product and consultation regarding the quantity and quality of the product are also assisted by a forwarder. Next, the forwarder will contact the supplier in question, buy the product, then carry out the delivery process until it is received at the destination address.

That means, there are still too many processes that must be passed before an item from China can arrive to Indonesia, and vice versa. That’s not to mention the treatment of goods which of course differ based on the type. Ceramic goods, for example, will be handled differently from fresh food ingredients.

In addition, the best forwarder will also ensure the fastest arrival time by choosing the most effective route. With responsive handling, as well as a professional team that handles the process, of course you can get the product you want quickly and on time.

Therefore, it is advisable to choose a freight forwarding Indonesia company that has experience in handling exports and imports from China to Indonesia if you need it. Because, with experience, forwarders also have a lot of networks and accurate strategies for shipping the products you want.

Well, that’s information about Forwarder China Indonesia, I hope it’s useful.